Currently filling spots for men's group starting in September

Currently filling spots for men's group starting in September

Currently filling spots for men's group starting in September

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Men's Group

Why Join a Men's Group?

Whatever you're going through, chances are, other men have traveled or are traveling a similar path. Sometimes in our lives, things get tough, and we need support. Many of us are asked to be a more present partner and father, earn more, or fix things around the house. We are also being asked to connect with our partners and show our emotions openly and vulnerably. This is where a men's group can be potent in helping you work through these challenges and develop these skills. We all have something unique to offer, and when we give ourselves the space to connect with other men authentically, we can grow further and faster than we could on our own.

I have participated in and facilitated men's groups for over five years, and I aim to support you in your challenges through group activities, processes, and open dialogues.

The benefits of a men's group include:

Expectations for participation:

The Logistics

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Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation please fill out the form below and I will get back with you.

Where are the Answers?
Within You


My failure and redemption at the Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


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Inner Summit Coaching 2025
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